"Listen" Without Prejudice - Part II

"Listen" Without Prejudice, is a multi part blog series intended for taking an in depth look into what your peers believe are the issues which continue to divide pop music icon George Michael's fans since his death.  It is important to listen to others in order to access where we stand as a collective fan base, if unity is to ever be attained.  In past articles, you've been given some insight into what this blog writer's views are on various issues; however my views are just that and to acquire additional insight I've called upon a group of fellow Lovelies to weigh in on the issues as they perceive them.

A Personal Note:

Before, I introduce you to Angela, our second Lovely, I'd like to address a very serious matter with all of you.

The past few days have been particularly difficult for myself and a number of others who were the victims of a cyber bullying campaign which was orchestrated to discredit our presence on the social networking site Twitter.  An unsubstantiated list of purported fake accounts was disseminated via direct message to a number of Twitter account holders who are George Michael fans.  Upon review of said "list" this blog writer has surmised that it specifically targeted Michael's fans who continue to actively engage in discourse which may be deemed to be pro Fadi Fawaz or neutral in stance. 

The perpetrators of this hate campaign's dissemination of said "list" under the guise that it was a measure enacted to ensure the safety of the Twitter community lead its recipients to believe that they were being preyed and/or spied upon by untrustworthy characters.  The "list" should be called out for what it in fact is a form of harassment and a good example of cyber bullying.  This so called accounting of fake accounts should have been passed along as a "hit list" or something equally heinous sounding for the fear and distrust it's instilled in an already vulnerable community.  

The issue involving this "list" has brought validity to this blog writer's argument that there are fans who afraid to voice their true opinions out of fear that they'll be retaliated against or alienated because their views are not in conformity with others.  It has been over seven months since George Michael's passing and the incivility has not ceased what a sad state of affairs for fan base of such an acclaimed artist, humanitarian and activist.  The creator of the "list" and all those that disseminated it at their direction have brought shame to the legacy of the idol they proclaim to adore.   

What Do We Know 
About the "List"

-Allegedly created by @MsRogueRC
-Purportedly disseminated via Twitter Direct Message
-Recipients were purportedly instructed to immediately
 block all accounts that appeared on said "list"
-Allegedly contains 52 accounts although a number of
 accounts were omitted and/or duplicates
-Allegedly disseminated by @pinkposy2
- As of the writing date of this post both accounts
referenced above have gone under cover or deactivated
- The allegation that said accounts were fake
was not substantiated in any way by either 
its creator or those that disseminated it
-List appears to target pro Fawaz accounts
and/or accounts that appear to be objective in stance.

Each and every week this blog writer has given you, the reader, an article which has been tailored to her personal style and influenced by her experiences, thoughts and feelings.  What I hear most often from my followers is that my honesty, integrity and no nonsense approach rings in a certain level of legitimacy which resonates with each of you.   The fact that this writing endeavor is being shared with you anonymously should be irrelevant at this point: as you have continually been given a personal glimpse into aspects of my life as well as my heart, without even realizing it. 

"I will not allow any bullshit list to define me
or force my views to be in conformity with others." - Blog Writer

As you are all aware, this blog writer has taken a stance of neutrality with respect to the ongoing strife which continues to divide pop, music icon George Michael's fans.  If the parties responsible for this "list" were attempting to get me to retreat you've failed as the intentions of this blog writer are selfless and transparent.  That transparency is precisely why my Twitter account was targeted by this ring of conspirators.  This blog conveys a strong and positive message which a small faction of hate are attempting to derail the progress that has been made.  

Until the next time I bid you all well. xx

Lovelies Speak Up & Out!   

Blog Writer: How long have you been a George Michael fan?
Angela:  Since 1983

Blog Writer:  Where do you call home?  (Country)
Angela:  USA

Blog Writer:  What’s your favorite song or album?
Angela:   My favorite song is "Jesus to a Child".  It's a very beautiful and melancholy tribute to his late love Anselmo Feleppa.  My favorite album is Older.  His voice expressed it all: pain, joy, humor, and love. George was inspired by his lost love “who changed the way he looked at his life” and to whom the album was dedicated to.

Blog Writer:  Have you ever seen George Michael live in concert?  If so, please describe your experience.
Angela:  No, I have not.

Blog Writer:   What does George Michael bring as an artist that sets him apart from other performers?
Angela:  His music touched my heart but really touched my soul for a lifetime.  He was such an amazingly talented man ... his feelings came out in the wonderful lyrics he wrote in all of his songs.  He had beautiful diction and had a glorious voice that contained so many colors and shadings that were used to marvelous effect.  That is one of the strongest elements of his music.  Honest, down-to-earth guy, who wore his heart on his sleeve and tells it like it is.  What you see is what you get.  He was also a very kind generous man who gave so much to people he never knew and he gave so much to charities without wanting the glory of doing so.  If, this is the beauty he brings out in others then he has created an exceptional legacy.

Blog Writer:   How have George Michael’s personal struggles influenced you personally when facing adversities of your own?
Angela:  His bravery and transparency inspired me. I will never apologize for being me. As I am becoming older, I am ever so grateful for him and what he stood for.
Blog Writer:  What do you see as the issues that have divided the fans since George Michael’s passing?
Angela:  Individuals/fans being hurt and upset with his passing and trying to justify whom to blame (e.g. FF - Fadi Fawaz). As well as different viewpoints concerning KG (Kenny Goss) providing details of the funeral, speaking to the SUN, and receiving money from the interviews to support to the Goss-Michael Foundation.

Blog Writer:  How do you feel about the fan's trying to place blame for Michael's death on his partners?
Angela:   I believe after hearing the leaked 999-call individuals/fans started this conspiracy theory that FF was involved. Even though the police thoroughly interviewed him and found no “foul play”. I felt it was disgraceful on all levels to blame FF for his death. These accusations hit a new low on twitter.

Blog Writer:  How do you feel about Kenny Goss' decision to speak to the Sun as well as the content of the four part interview?
Angela:  I was extremely disappointed in his poor judgment.  George was about privacy and for Goss to talk about some of the private family funeral details was so disrespectful to George, his family, and close friends. As well as a revealing intimate details about the George private life (e, g throwing away his drugs). It was heartbreaking to hear these interviews.  I was just speechless ... my feelings on that day were indescribable.   

When I read Shirlie Kemp tweet, “It's been a very sad week and so hurtful for @GeorgeMichael family, friends and fans, he would appreciate, all that matters is his music!  I thank her for speaking out.   However, I felt like I was drowning in my own tears after reading her tweet.

Blog Writer:  Have you engaged in online “debates” regarding the issues you have outlined above?   If so, what was the defining point that drew you in and why?
Angela:  At first, I did engage in the dialogue to gain understanding of the tweet's content. However, within two months of his passing some of the tweets were full of extremely hateful words and I stopped responding as I refuse to engage in negativity.

Blog Writer:   You stated you stopped engaging in the debates a couple months following Michael's death has that decision impacted your relationship with fellow fans or your followers?
Angela:   Absolutely it has.  I have blocked several individuals.  Life is too short to deal with “toxic haters”. Therefore, I do not let this negative energy take away my joy.  I do find comfort in engaging with lovelies who are in a positive mindset.  At the end of the day, it is simple: my responsibility is to ensure George Michael's legacy continues for generations to come.

Blog Writer:   In your opinion do you think that the divide between the fans can be remedied?  Please explain your answer.
Angela:  In due time, I think this storm will pass; however there is going to be a lot of collateral damage along the way. That’s the sad thing because George was about love or nothing at all.

Blog Writer:  You mentioned there will be collateral damage as a result of the activities of the past several months what do you see that damage as being?
Angela:   I have witnessed lovelies leaving twitter because of the ‘attacks” and or “harsh words” and that is just one example of the collateral damage.

Blog Writer:  Has our blog changed your thought process or presented a different point of view on the topics covered thus far?
Angela:  I am always open to listening to other's views and try to gain their perspective.

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