Spinning the Wheel
"An Easier Affair" - Live
Perth, Australia - 20-02-2010
"Love will always win, everyday of it
Everyday's just the way I want to
And my heart is full and I know for
- George
Our last article, "Praying For Time" was intended as a recap of some of the issues that have been discussed from this platform's launch date through the present time. This personal trek or journey that I've embarked upon has proven to be a long and winding road: a course that, at times, has been physically as well as emotionally draining. If, progress was a simple process it would certainly be an easier affair but the reality of the matter is that it takes a lot of hard work.
George Michael was a celebrity with a social conscience which means he felt a sense of responsibility or concern for the problems and injustices of society. It was that sense of concern for others that fueled his activist and philanthropic endeavors: which he in turn hoped would inspire others. He was a man of great integrity who was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in and he conveyed those messages through his: interviews, lyrics, as well as satirical music videos.
This outlet affords this blog writer a platform with a broad range of personal discretion in which to bring forth her thoughts, feelings and ideals on issues affecting George Michael's fandom. The truth of the matter is, that it's more about helping these fans whom I've come to greatly care about navigate their way not just through strife but through life. Many view my efforts as inspiring or heroic which is flattering but truthfully they are the ones who inspire me to try to make a difference.
"Spinning The Wheel"
25 Live from Wembley Arena
"And I will not accept this as a part of my life
I will not live in fear
Of what may be
And the lessons I have learned
I would rather be alone than watch you
Spinning that wheel for me"
I will not live in fear
Of what may be
And the lessons I have learned
I would rather be alone than watch you
Spinning that wheel for me"
- George Michael
There are many people looking in from the "outside" thinking what a spectacle George Michael's fandom is or has become. The late pop icon stood for peace, love, kindness, and equality: how can one ignore what is happening all around them when they defy the very essence of what this man stood for? He's no longer with us in the sense that he can rally his Lovelies around one another or tighten the reigns to put an end to matters himself as he had been able to in the past.
In due time, George Michael's legal representatives and creative team will assume the reigns and take control over the legal/business issues that they have authority over such as: limiting or prohibiting the unauthorized use of his name, likeness or image. They will also enforce his copyrights, trademark(s) as well as licensing for merchandise and memorabilia. In the meantime, we need a constructive outlet to strike up a conversation and educate ourselves on these issues.
In an effort to give fans an anonymous outlet to weigh in on the issues that continue to plague George Michael's fandom we introduced a forward thinking survey series titled, "I Think". The questions are at times random but most are inspired by the issues preventing this fandom from moving forward in a positive direction: a direction that the late icon would be proud of. His legacy will forever be the amazing body of work that he left behind but what if it could be about more?
"Love's in Need of Love Today"
Concert of Hope AIDS Charity
Wembley Arena - 1993
#IThink you all have minds of your own.
This blog writer believes that the closing results of this particular poll question are demonstrative of the current volatile climate within George Michael's fan base when it comes to the use of his name, image or likeness to sell merchandise or services as well as for fundraising purposes. What these results do not demonstrate is that the 'standard' to which this blog writer as well as several individuals are held to is not applied equally to all entities straight across the board.
There is no question that this fandom is divided with respect to various issues but what are the underlying factors of this dissent? The friction we've all witnessed is not organic in origin as it's man made ... its current is conducted through radical individuals who believe that they know what George Micheal would: say, think, do or desire. We are all entitled to our opinions and this blog writer's perspective is and remains that there is more to all of this than meets the average eye.
What we truly need more of in this fandom is transparency because it's been my observation that some individuals have personal agendas that they are pushing. The big "elephant" in the room is hard to hide but easy to hide behind isn't it? There will be those who attempt to deflect attention away from the truth by introducing commentary about delusional conspiracy theories: as I vaguely remember similar rhetoric being spouted in the past.
"Too Funky"
The Final Two - Earls Court
24- August -2008
These people pushing their agendas have created a culture of distrust in a fan community that has been repeatedly beaten down. They've turned close friends into strangers and even enemies. They've hidden behind numerous accounts relentlessly attacking those with opinions that differed from their own. The divisiveness and hateful conduct permeated the air like cheap perfume whose scent lingers. History teaches us that 'chaos' can be used to distract one's attention from what's really going on.
Many of you may find the tone of the previous paragraph a bit harsh but a good ole' fashion dose of tough love is sometimes in order. We know the principles George Michael stood for and it's time we all did some self-reflection to examine if we are employing those values in our every day lives. We're not all going to agree on issues all of the time or get along with everyone because we have different personality traits but we need to accept these things and at the very least make an honest effort.
"I Can't Make You Love Me"
MTV Live
Personally, after what I've been through on this journey it's hard for me to trust anyone. There were some people who worked overtime to gain my trust, who flooded my direct message inbox with messages of support and praise only to end up stabbing me in the back. I've been manipulated, conspired against, bullied and humiliated in a distasteful article and yet I don't allow these things to: steal my joy, change my positive outlook on life or change who I am.
If, the creation of a website is deemed wrong for one entity then that same 'standard' should apply straight across the board but it's well within my right to do as I please. The same can be said with respect to fundraising in honor of George Michael's memory ... first think about the awareness that is being raised for these worthy causes and the overall good that is being done. If, anyone has proof of misappropriation then they should report matters to the appropriate governing authorities.
The world would stand still if nobody dared to spin their wheels to bring about change and advancements to better society. Stop, take a deep breath and think before you react. Educate yourselves regarding the topics that make their way into daily commentary because when you know better you'll do better. Until the next time please show kindness and respect towards one another xx