"FREEDOM" - Deluxe Edition

"This period of down time will result in something spectacular taking me places. It won't be spectacular like "Faith" or "Older" ... I'm 53 years old. I'm no longer a young, male pop star. [But] in my mind, this period of turmoil will result in something spectacular. It has too " - G. K. P

The quote above was taken from what ultimately became George Michael's last interview.  An interview which was conducted by Kirsty Young in an effort to elicit voice snippets to be edited into Michael's "Freedom" documentary, as narration for the film.  The film was commissioned by and aired on BBC Channel 4 on 16 October 2017.  The film also aired on various other dates and media outlets around the world.  Sometime after Michael's passing David Austin (Michael's life long friend) recalled Michael saying to Ms. Young, as she was leaving his home, that she should turn their interview into a radio show.
Hence, "The Red Line," a TBI Production, was broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in two - one hour segments which aired on 1 and 8 November 2017 respectively.  It's an interview that has left an indelible impression across my heart ... an impression of man who humanized himself to a world who forgot that behind the artist, sex symbol and public figure remained a beautiful, compassionate, sensitive man.  A man who once craved stardom but the "trade off" was losing his privacy and at times even sacrificing his own personal happiness. 

"The Red Line," should be viewed as the ultimate gift, from the heavens, as it gave its listeners true insight into George Michael's thoughts but especially more so into his heart.  When he lost his composure and wept openly ... one had to come to the realization that there were many complex layers to this man who was seemingly secure in who and what he was.  George Michael was both retrospective yet looking ahead and he sounded as if he was in a "good" place.  That is how I've interpreted the intent of the film and the interview because I do not wish to feed into unfounded speculations.       

In "Freedom" the documentary and "The Red Line" the radio program we heard from George Michael who in great detail relayed that he used periods of turmoil in his life as inspiration to do something to better humanity.  Michael conveyed that while nursing his dying partner (Anselmo Feleppa) he could not write nor play a note of music ... the anger that he felt at the situation, at hand, fueled his fight against Sony (his record label) in what became a long, legal battle over contract terms that constituted an unreasonable restraint of trade.  
This blog writer created this platform in a period of great turmoil within George Michael's fan base: a fandom that became polarized after their idol's unexpected passing and the uncertainty of the circumstances surrounding his death.  The premise of the platform was that I would share my own personal experiences which were a paradox of arcs and parallels that mirrored events that transpired in Michael's life and/or events following his death.  A "voice" that would resonate in a community struggling to cope with its loss and hopefully bring about greater understanding.

In "The Red Line" George Michael revealed to Kirsty Young the unusual manner in which he wrote his songs in that once he thought that he was onto something .... he'd clear out the recording studio and on automatic loop would record himself singing "a bunch of rubbish".  Creative minds are wired much the same as far as preparation for the interviews I've conducted whenever thoughts came to mind I would record them ... stream of thoughts are then somehow weaved into a cohesive and hopefully thought provoking presentation. 

For weeks my mind had been preoccupied with the quote that I opened this article with: as it perfectly summarized the story behind the "how" and "why" Tonia Katsantonis formed her fan support group Freedom For George Michael (#Freedom4GM) following George Michael's custodial sentence in 2010, after pleading guilty to driving under the influence of drugs.  Subsequent to Michael's death, the group's shift in focus has been to honor his memory by continuing to follow the philanthropic example that he set for his Lovelies and the world to follow.

Imagine a world in which nobody dared to make a difference or take chances ... a world where nobody thinks outside of the box or dared to be different.  George Michael knew what "Freedom" meant and how precious it truly was.  For those of you reading this article don't be afraid to try to make a difference ... don't be contained inside the box ... don't be ordinary ... embrace extraordinary. Be who ever and whatever you are or want to be ... don't be afraid to say, "This is who I am and I won't allow you to take that away from me."


"This was a hugely shameful thing to have done repeatedly so karmically I felt like I had a bill to pay. I went to prison, I paid my bill." - George Michael
Blog Writer:  Freedom For George Michael was a support group created on Facebook in September of 2010. Whose idea was the group and what was the group’s primary purpose?

Tonia:  Freedom for George Michael or #Freedom4GM as we are also know  n, was formed on 14 September 2010 by myself following the custodial sentence that was handed to George (Michael) earlier that day.  I remember I was at such a loss and so overwhelmed with sadness that I didn’t know what to do with myself.  Friends and family had zero understanding and couldn’t understand the big deal.  I felt as though nobody could relate to me.  I came home from work early that day as all I was doing was arguing with almost everyone.  I decided there and then that the only people who understood or could relate to my emotions were fellow George (Michael) lovelies.  Hence, the birth of #Freedom4GM on Facebook.

We had quite a few members in those first few days ... everyone was at such a loss and so between us we (Elaine Edy & I) decided that we would tackle every radio station, magazine and newspaper that had anything negative to say about George.  Every morning, without fail, we would send out emails defending George.  It became a daily routine for four weeks!  We even caught the attention of Chris Evans who praised us and our efforts on his radio breakfast show!  We made flyers that were posted around London that said, 'FREE GEORGE MICHAEL’.  We literally cried and laughed together for four weeks. Not sure how we would have all managed without each other.

Blog Writer: Please tell our readers a little bit about your support team.
Tonia: I run #Freedom4GM with the help of a group of very special lovelies. Individually and collectively they all bring something special and unique with their loyalty, creativity and dedication.  I truly feel blessed to have them as friends as well as part of our #Freedom4GM GM Family.

Elaine Edy:  Has been with me since day one. From the very beginning we instantly clicked and formed a beautiful friendship.  When I first started #Freedom4GM and through the start of 2017 it was just the two of us running and managing the group.

Layla Davies:  Joined us quite early on too and again another special friendship formed. She was very active in the group and we instantly bonded.  I asked Layla to join our admin team in January 2017: as the group had grown so large that Elaine and I were struggling to keep our heads above water (and still try to find time for our own personal lives!). One of the best decisions we made!

Dezzy Exy:  Joined our group in early 2017 but there was an instant ‘click’ and the fact that she lives about 5 minutes from me meant that we instantly formed a beautiful friendship ... in and out of each other’s homes! She can never do enough to help us and played a very active role in helping us set up our tribute garden with all her creativeness!  Although I’d only known her a very short time, I instantly knew I could trust and rely on her for anything.  She promoted herself to the group PA (personal assistant) helping us whenever she could. It was a natural step to have her on our administrator team. There’s a running joke in the group now that whenever there is a special day to remember to get ‘Dezzy’s diary’

Claire Maguire:  Claire who has also been a member for a number of years.  Claire runs and manages our #Freedom4GM YouTube Channel ( Freedom4GM GM Family) that we launched a few months ago.  She often travels down to London from Leeds with her video camera whenever we are doing something in the garden or have one of our charity functions. She is now known for her video productions and edits. She usually produces two videos for every event.

Deborah Freeman:  Has been with us quite a while and is our lovely who produced our George (Michael) Birthday tees and our #LoveAlwaysWins Hoodies. Deb has spent countless hours and late nights producing these stunning pieces for us and is constantly brainstorming ideas with me as to what we can do next! We owe so much to Deborah .. couldn’t be without her!


Blog Writer: Did George Michael personally acknowledge the efforts of #Freedom4GM?
Tonia:  I am not sure if George knew of the group.  There are so many fan based groups all across social media.  Of course. I’d love to think he heard of us battling for him every day ... he must have thought we were totally nuts if he did!

Blog Writer:  Obviously, after George Michael’s passing the purpose of #Freedom4GM took on another meaning for you and the group.  Can you tell us about the new direction the group is heading?
Tonia:  I remember speaking with Elaine (Edy) when George was released from prison and saying now what do we do?  George has his freedom now ... do we have to change the name (of the group) and change our direction?  Together, we decided that #Freedom4GM would remain as George (Michael) often said that ‘Freedom' was the most important word in the world and so we decided that we would base ourselves on Freedom for everyone.  We had formed, what felt like, such a beautiful family that we felt we didn’t need to change anything.

Obviously, now the meaning of Freedom for George Michael has taken on an entirely different meaning and it seems more apt than ever that we are called #Freedom4GM,  All George ever wanted and craved was freedom to be who and what he wanted to be and nothing ever stood in his way.  Our group has the very same objective.  "Freedom 90" has been labelled as our ‘signature’ song and George’s words about ‘Freedom’ (as above) is what we stand by today and encourage globally.

  "This next song is the most important word in the world right now 
don't let anyone take this away from you!" - George Michael 

Blog Writer: Has fundraising always been an integral part of the group’s mission or did that function come about later?
Tonia:   Our fundraising only started this year ... it was never a part of the group as the group was always about George (Michael), his music, the fans and the concerts that we were blessed with worldwide.

Our first fundraising event was the Birthday Tee shirts that we made for George’s (Michael) birthday in June.  I was so anxious about how it would turn out: as I’d never done such a thing before. We really struggled to decide which charity to support as they are all so deserving ... I knew it had to be one of the closest ones to George's heart.  I sought the opinion of Alex Georgiou (cousin of Michael) who was exceptionally close to George and many lovelies know of him. 

Together we decided that Macmillan (Cancer Centre) was the one we would support due to the personal connection both George and Alex had with them.  I knew after we made that decision that it was the right one as so many lovelies also had personal experiences with Macmillan and so it was fitting for so many reasons.

We decided then that Macmillan would be the exclusive charity that #Freedom4GM would support in its fundraising events!

Whenever we are about to launch a new project, I always discuss it with Alex first: as it’s important to us to have his opinion.  He is always so supportive of us and it was actually his idea to have George’s lyrics on the calendar!  He’s such a genuine, sweet, humble and loving person ... you can see why George trusted him like he did and kept him close by his side.
                                                    Alex Georgiou & Tonia Katsantonis

Blog Writer: Tell us about the relationship that has been forged between  Macmillan Cancer Centre and #Freedom4GM.
Tonia:  For each event I/we are in direct contact with Macmillan and we now have our own Relationship Manager who guides and supports our fundraising efforts.

Blog Writer:  How do you feel about all the various new charities that have/are being established in George Michael’s memory since his passing?
Tonia:  It’s lovely to see so many lovelies fundraising in memory of George ... it’s everything George stood for and believed in ... helping others and to help those in need. I’m pretty sure George is so proud to see his work being continued by his lovelies in this way.  Together we are stronger and together we can do anything! I’ve always said,

"We will always come across some that may ridicule us or even be envious of what we are doing but when you are doing something out of the goodness of your heart with the only intention of giving ... then you are most definitely onto a good thing." - Tonia

All George wanted to do in his life was give and help others and if we can even make a small difference, then we are carrying on his legacy as his musical legacy speaks for itself and will outlive us all, without a doubt.

Blog Writer:  What percentage of the proceeds from the various  fundraising campaigns you've conducted does #Freedom4GM donate to Macmillan?
Tonia: Our fundraising is only for Macmillan but every charity is worth supporting. It was our mindset that instead of supporting five charities in a small way ... we decided to support just one with everything we can.

Each fundraising project is different for example for every Birthday tee shirt sold, Macmillan received £8-£10.  The idea was to keep the tees affordable but at the same time make a donation. The ‘Love Always Wins’ hoodies and our 2018 #Freedom4GM wall calendars that we are currently selling were organised much the same.  Each calendar sale gives approximately £7-£8 to Macmillan. Once the production and distribution costs are covered all proceeds are donated.


We donated one of our birthday tees to another charity group that auctioned it off with proceeds going to a charity of their choice and are doing the same with our calendars.  It's important to note that even though we are all supporting different charities, we support each other when we can!

The cake and coffee afternoon we held at Highgate was strictly all donated as there was no set ‘amount’ the generosity of people on that day really blew us away and in just over 2 hours we raised over £1,200!

Blog Writer: Can you tell us which fundraiser was your personal favorite and/or most successful campaign?
Tonia:  They are all special in their own way.  I think my favourite one so far has to be the Birthday tees ... seeing so many lovelies from around the world all wearing the same tee shirt on George’s (Michael) Birthday really filled my heart with pride. Lovelies were happy to be supporting Macmillan and also showing their love and loyalty to George at the same time. It was such a special day in Highgate!  Seeing the lovely Abby in her very own pink ‘happy birthday daddy’ tee shirt was so touching and so so special.

I am also so proud of the 2018 wall calendars that we're currently selling ... they're simply stunning and the special touch of having one of George’s lyrics featured each month is also quite something! Poor Layla (Davies) had the task of choosing 13 lyrics/quotes to feature ... it’s no easy task when every lyric George wrote was so perfect!


Blog Writer: #Freedom4GM puts a lot of time and effort into maintaining the memorial garden at Highgate can you tell us how the garden came to fruition?
Tonia:  We have two areas in the garden at Highgate that we maintain.  We have our main tribute the #Freedom4GM garden which is directly opposite George’s home and our recently created #Freedom4GMUSA garden.

It all started on 25th January when I decided I wanted to hold a candle lighting event in the evening at Highgate to mark the 1 month since George’s passing.  Word soon spread and there must have been about 40 Lovelies that evening lighting our candles and lanterns for George.  It has become a regular thing on the evening of the 25th of each month we meet and do the same and now we have a beautiful garden that speaks for itself that is maintained regularly by myself and some of our group lovelies.

Lovelies from around the world are constantly sending us tributes to place there for them and it’s nice for those that are not able to visit to be able to have something of theirs in the garden.  It’s a place I often go to just to get some time out ... it has an amazing sense of peace and calmness there. I feel so blessed that I live close by so can visit it regularly. I cant bear to think of the candles not alight for George!

Our #Freedom4GMUSA garden was started in June. I met Christine Zigich in Highgate on George’s birthday weekend she had flown over from Los Angeles (California) for the week.  By chance we met in Highgate the Friday before George’s birthday and we instantly clicked and spoke for hours. She wanted to hang a USA flag and leave a tribute and in her doing that I offered to keep an eye on her tribute for her once she left. That area has now become our USA section hence the name. Many of our American lovelies often send tributes for us to place there for them.

Blog Writer:  How can Lovelies connect with #Freedom4GM if they haven't already done so?
Tonia: The main way you can connect to #Freedom4GM is through our Facebook group page: Freedom for George Michael //www.facebook.com/groups/151197021578323/
Instagram: Freedom4GM 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_etxL9rq54eOLBV0W6faA

Blog Writer: How do you feel about critics who are vocal with their opinions that your efforts are allowing you to benefit off the back of George Michael or that they are for self promotion?
Tonia:  We don’t pay an attention to any of the haters. We’ve had a few hate campaigns against us and also I personally have been targeted but we are too busy loving George and each other to take any notice or be affected by these. Jealousy is an evil trait in our eyes and people will always try to bring you down but we keep going stronger each time!

Our hearts are pure and we are carrying on George’s legacy ... one of my favourite lines, at the moment, is ‘together we are stronger’ and it’s so true!  I’m so proud of what we have accomplished in such a short time. This has only been accomplished because we have stuck together regardless of people trying to bring us down and create animosity! As George sang, "No time for the haters!"

Blog Writer: What is your favorite George Michael song?
Tonia: Every George song is my favourite! But the one that strikes a chord with me like no other is 'Father Figure'. The lyrics, the video, the pure passion ... it captures me every time. "If You Were My Woman is my favourite cover and favourite live performance. I’ve been a lovely since I was 7 years old so George is woven into my heart and soul. I loved him from afar and that’s enough for me. He’s such an inspiration and part of my daily life ... he’ll never leave.

Blog Writer: If you could say something to George Michael today what would you?
Tonia: Thank you George, for having such a huge impact on my life and continuing to do so daily. Your music and your humanity has taught us so much and your belief in doing and being whatever and whoever you want to be is woven in me and my children thanks to you. There will never be another quite like you.. the beautiful, gorgeous, irreplaceable George.

To Tonia From Your Admin Team

Since we have known Tonia and become members and later admin of Freedom for George Michael we are overwhelmed by Tonia's dedication, love and loyalty to us. Lovelies are treated as if they were her family or close friends that she has known all her life. Nothing is too much trouble for Tonia ... she goes out of her way to make us happy and positive. She has a unique, warm glow that shines through, which has been vital through these tough times, especially since December, of course.

Freedom for George Michael lovelies send Tonia tributes from all over the world! She places these tributes at Highgate for them with love and care, always as if they were her own. Tonia spends a lot of time lighting candles and doing live videos so that lovelies can see their tributes. We know how much this means to them. As well as being a wonderful, hard working Mother, her time and dedication to keeping George's memory alive blows us away.

We can't thank her enough for all she does, the love, and support she gives everyone. Her loyalty to us, our Group and of course our George means everything to us. Tonia puts so much of her time and effort into raising money for MacMillian Cancer Support, starting with Happy Birthday tees, our MacMillan cake sale, Love Always Wins Hoodie's and now our stunning calendars. To date over £6,000 has been raised. She's constantly throwing ideas around and we never know what's coming next.

One thing is for sure we know whatever that idea is it will be totally amazing and we are certain George would be so very proud.

All our love Elaine, Dezzy and Layla xxx

To Tonia From Claire

Tonia is without doubt, the heart and soul of #Freedom4GM. Her loyalty to George is second to none. Her drive and commitment to ensure George's legacy lives on is demonstrated through her tireless efforts on so many different levels. Fundraising, keeping the tribute garden immaculate, correcting press outlets when they get things wrong, applauding those who help and support George's legacy.  On top of all that she provides us with, in my opinion, is the best Facebook group (Freedom for George Michael). Tonia is the glue that holds us all together. #F4GM is a place where lovelies can come together to laugh, to cry, to remember and to celebrate all things George. 

It is Tonia that has provided us with this safe place and she keeps it running perfectly. Everything she does is a selfless act and will take no credit for anything she does. What she does is for all of us and of course for George. Tonia has the ability to add sunshine on a rainy day and lifts spirits when we're feeling low. She's the calm in the storm if she feels that one is brewing. Yet, she will stand and fight to protect George's honour with everything she has. Tonia in a nutshell has the heart of an angel and the strength and determination of a lion. I personally cannot thank her enough and I genuinely love her to bits.

Claire xx

To Tonia From Me

Tonia you embraced me at a time when I was "done" with it all ... ready to just shut down shop and move on out.  You said, "No, hun their jealous of what you have."  to which I responded, "They can have it!"  I guess in that moment I really didn't recognize all that you were saying but later I did come to understand the totality of what you said.  We both give so much of ourselves without asking for anything in return aside from being given the same the respect that we give.  

Please hold onto your positive aura and don't let anyone steal your joy!  Thank you for agreeing to participate in this article and for being so lovely to me.

Blog Writer xx

Dedicated to Tonia 


Listen Without Prejudice/MTV Unplugged - Available in stores and for download now! Online the album can be found at smarturl.it/LWPGM

Freedom Project- Is a human rights campaign outling the stories of 15 inspiring individuals who share their respective experiences about about owning who and what they are.  #ThisIsMyFreedom - Coming in 2018 keep your eye on George Michael Official please visit https://www.georgemichael.com

#LastChristmasforNumberOne is a campaign to get Wham's "Last Christmas" to #1 in honor of George Michael in observance of the 1st year anniversary of his passing- Download "Last Christmas" between 15-21 December 2017. For those of you who cannot quite bring yourself to listen to the song please download in that period #forGeorge and listen when you feel able to.

Crisis Call Center/Suicide Prevention Lifeline (United States) 1-800-273- 8255
Samaritans Hotline: +44 116 123

The holiday season is historically a difficult period for many people.  Depression chooses you ... you don't choose it and we have to erase stigma associated with the condition to raise awareness as well as to erase the shame.  Please know that there's always a reason to keep fighting against this horrible condition.

If you are having a difficult time please reach out to family and friends.  If, that doesn't help seek out the assistance of trained professionals who specialize in all facets of mental health issues. Please know that there are a number of resources in your area available which can be found online.

#Freedom4GM "Love Always Win" Hoodies and 2018 wall calendars ft. George Michael:
Orders are will be accepted for the hoodies through 31 January 2018 as of the publish date of this article the date for final calendar order had not yet been determined.  Please contact Tonia via the links provided in this article.

Stayed tuned for more information and news regarding this platform!!!


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